Jumper Plate | LUGBULK
With no obligation to continue

What is LUGBULK?

The LUGBULK is a program offered by The LEGO Group to all Recognised LEGO User Groups (RLUGs) to give the club's members access to a once a year purchasing of bulk LEGO elements to aid in building great displays for public shows.


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The Problem

When running a LUGBULK, it is easy to get overwhelmed with the share volume of information and interactions you need to manage. Your members will also need to feel sure that they are doing everything correctly and should use systems that help reduce mistakes which ultimately reduces support questions you may get.

Key Conditions
LEGO has several conditions that you must comply too. Please refer to the official documents/rules provided by LEGO for further details, but some of the key conditions are...

  1. Your club must be an officially Recognised LEGO User Group.
  2. Each key deadline must be strictly and correctly met.
  3. Participants must be registered to your LUG and over 18 years old.
  4. Purchased parts are for personal use only can never be on-sold.
  5. Maximum individuals order cannot be more than EUR 235.
  6. The minimum a LUG can order is 4,800 EUR so you will need a minimum of 21 participants.
  7. You can only have a maximum of 85 different elements in your LUG's order.
  8. Members must be made aware of and agree to the requirements set by LEGO.

Who is Affected

LUGBULK Coordinators



The Solution

Centralise all your management into one proven system

Introducing Jumper Plate… a LEGO club management system specifically designed to reduce the workload of any RLUG managing their growing club, members, activities, and the opportunities LEGO offers as part of being a recognised LEGO User Group including LUGBULK.

LUGBULK is an on-demand service available to all Jumper Plate plans including the FREE Base Plan with your first LUGBULK being FREE with no obligation to continue using it.

The system mainstreams all the common admin of running a club, shares, and centralises everyone’s workload and information on to an online environment that is available 24/7 and accessible by any web-enabled device.

Jumper Plate

LUGBULK Coordinators

Four key confident phases

Using a proven process used by many RLUGS, Jumper Plate splits the running of a LUGBULK into four key phases, Participate, Element Selection, Ordering, and Delivery. Each phase is optimised to ensure the experience is easy, accurate, and flexible to meet the club's needs.

Information such as checklists, member's orders, and even the LUG's order with LUGBULK is all exportable and preformatted so they can be easily printed if needed.


Jumper Plate


Central and informative

Keep your members well informed with each step of LUGBULK as well as providing a single place for them to register, vote on element parts and placing an ultimately placing an order.

They also can keep their details up to date so you always have the latest information. This is even more important with LUGBULK as the process takes several month's and details such as member's email or even postal address can change.

Jumper Plate


Confidently meet requirements

Get all the necessary details in time to meet each deadline. Send communications to your membership concerning any LEGO rule alignments and address anything that can affect the status of the RLUG

Jumper Plate

The Features

Simplify the whole process

Confidently coordinate LEGO's annually offered LUGBULK programme in four easy and proven phases. Inform your members with details such as each phases deadlines, tax and shipping costs and currency conversion.

  1. Phase One: Registration
    Manage who is allowed to participate in your LUGBULK.
  2. Phase Two: Element Selection
    Choose if you allow participants to be involved in the final list of 85 elements and method on how the parts are selected.
  3. Phase Three: Ordering
    Participants can start creating their orders.
  4. Phase Four: Delivery and Fulfilment
    Export spreadsheets that help you and your team with the fulfilment of the orders when the LUGBULK arrives.

Jumper Plate


Members request to participate

Members that wish to participate in LUGBULK can signup their interest in the Member's Area once your RLUG opens up registrations.

  • Dates and Deadlines
    Members are always made aware of key dates.
  • Announcement Message
    Allows you to describe the LUGBULK program to interested members.
  • Terms and Condition
    List out all your RLUG's expectations everyone must abide by and accept before requesting to participate.
  • I Agree
    All members must agree to the Terms before their registration is accepted.
Jumper Plate


Manage which members can participate

Admins can manage who can participate in LUGBULK

  • Allowed Participants
    Lets you choose if you want registrations available to all your members, or you can allow selected members via invitation.
  • Registration Management
    Review the Participant List and approve/decline their application and set if they can choose elements.
  • Full Control
    You can add and remove anyone from participating in LUGBULK.
  • Exportable Participant List
    Your participant list can be exported and downloaded with the required details needs to approve your RLUG's application.
Jumper Plate

Element Selection

Give Members the ability to choose

Easily manage member's preferred element choices and see which is most popular.

  • The Master Element List
    Simplify how the Master Element List is distributed by allowing members to download the file directly from the member's area
  • Element Selection Method
    Jumper Plate provides three methods participants can help narrow down the final 85 list.
    1. By Allocation
      If you have less than 85 approved participants and want to guarantee at least one of their preferred elements gets into the final 85 list
    2. By Private Vote
      If you want to find the most preferred and uninfluenced elements by the group as a whole and leaving the opportunity for the LUG Admin’s to add some “General” elements
    3. By Open Vote
      If you want to find the most preferred parts by the group in an open and transparent way
  • Allocation
    Set how many choices participants get
Jumper Plate

Element Selection

Finalise the final 85 elements

Once the Element Selection phase is closed you can start building your final 85 list

  • Build your list from the Element Ballot list
    Based on your Element Selection Method, Jumper Plate tallies the totals and who requested the part.
  • Manually add elements
    Sometimes an RLUG wants to include common elements to the list.
  • Get ready for ordering
    Set the elements price and quantities they can be ordered in.
Jumper Plate


Create an order

Members can start creating and modifying their LUGBULK order right up to when the RLUG closes the ordering phase

  • Element List
    Members can quickly build their order from the finalised 85 elements. It includes unit pricing and quantities they must be purchased in.
  • Know what you are buying
    Each element can be clicked on to view a larger image as well as a link to Brickset to learn more.
  • Never go over
    Jumper Plate provides members with a warning when the go over the 235 EUR spend limit.
  • Know what your spending
    Participants will know how much they are spending in EUR as well as the RLUG's local currency.
  • Taxes and Shipping
    The order automatically updates and presents the Tax, Shipping and Grand Total.
Jumper Plate


Manage the orders

Keep up to date with what elements are being ordered as they come in.

  • Order Summary
    Get a quick overview of the value of each Participants Order including how much Tax and Shipping they need to pay.
  • Orders
    Drill into each participant to see which elements they have ordered.
  • Forgot to order
    Easily see who may have forgotten to order and send them a quick email.
  • Element Breakdowns
    The Element Breakdowns table which all the elements quantity totals and EUR prices. Use this table to help you submit your order via the www.lugbulk.org ordering system.
  • Exportable
    You can export this Element Breakdown if your Ambassador or nominated person does not have access to Jumper Plate.
  • Expect the Invoice
    Keep a running total on how much the RLUG's order will cost so there is no surprises when the invoice arrives.
Jumper Plate

Delivery and Fulfillment

Processing everyone's orders

Once your LUGBULK Shipment finally arrives and you are ready to start counting you can export three printer-friendly files to aid in the fulfilment of each order

  • Participant Orders
    Exports a file that provides each participant’s order that can be printed out and used as a checklist.
  • Breakdowns by Element
    Exports a file that groups each element and who order the parts and their quantities. This means, you can give someone a bag of one element, and they can easily count out each ordered quantity.
  • Shipment
    Export the RLUG's order to compare with the packing slip provided in your shippment from LEGO.
Jumper Plate


Your First LUGBULK is included FREE with every Jumper Plate Plan

The Jumper Plate system has everything you need easily manage your LUG and can be upgraded when you want more advanced management features.


Jumper Plate
Ad Supported
Get all the features you need to manage and grow your LUG.
Club Events
Members Area
Mail Groups
$120.00 per LUGBULK
$120.00 per Brick Event
First Brick Event FREE
Jumper Plate
Per Year
Everything you need as well as more advance features when you need them.
Club Events
Members Area
Mail Groups
One Per Year
One Per Year
Jumper Plate
Per Year
Unlimited use of every feature including the ones exclusive only to Premium Plans.
Club Events
Members Area
Mail Groups
Unlimited LUGBULKs
Unlimited Brick Events
Jumper Plate BONUS
A FREE exclusive Minifigure


*Prices are in USD

Mark Hackett - AUCKLUG, Auckland, New Zealand

Jumper plate is the ideal management tool for LUG’s with easy to use tools that can be added as needed. Great for Lugbulk and show registration. 


Mark Hackett
RLUG Ambassador
AUCKLUG, Auckland, New Zealand


Start Your LUGBULK

Get building with the FREE Base Plan and simplify your next LUGBULK right now.

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